Sichuan BENO Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.
Sichuan BENO Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.

China Mining Federation Holds the 14th Mining Law Salon to Interpret Mining-Related Policies And Regulations In 2023

On January 11, 2024, the 14th Mining Law Salon organized by the China Mining Federation was successfully held online. Cheng Liwei, President of China Mining Federation, attended the event and delivered a speech. The salon was themed on the mining-related policies and regulations issued by the natural resources authorities in 2023, and invited experts from the Mining Rights Management Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Mining Green Development Institute of the China Academy of Natural Resources Economics, and Beijing Yuren Law Firm , analyzed and interpreted the mining-related policies and regulations of various ministries, provinces and cities in 2023 from their respective perspectives. The event attracted 1,191 units and individuals to participate online.

China Mining Federation Holds the 14th Mining Law Salon to Interpret Mining-Related Policies And Regulations In 2023

China Mining Federation Holds the 14th Mining Law Salon to Interpret Mining-Related Policies And Regulations In 2023

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